+963 944 484 943

Label Max

Label Max Corporation was established in 1999, which was the beginning of the arrival of barcode printers to Syria. During that period, the number of printers did not exceed the fingers of one hand. The development process of the institution began parallel to the spread of demand for printers. We were increasing the production line every year and we were striving to improve specifications. In 2002, we produced A4 labels and the pricing conditions were very popular in the market. Neighboring countries started getting to know our products and we have clients in Lebanon and Iraq and an agent in Jordan. In 2011, we had nine production lines. With God’s help, the institution was able to cover 85% of the needs of our country. The institution was at the height of its activity until the outbreak of the war in Syria, which led to its suspension for two years in a row. At the beginning of 2014, the institution resumed its work again as if it was in its infancy with one